Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lucy Kaplansky - Say Goodbye Love

Lucy Kaplansky remains in high demand as a backup vocalist for fellow folkies on the road or in the studios; her pure voice and New York accent can be heard on almost every Shawn Colvin, Richard Shindell, Nancy Griffith, and John Gorka album. Her ear is incredible and she seems to be arranging her harmonies on the spot, making good songs great with a subtle yet powerful touch.But though in concert she tends to focus on her own stunning songwriting, Dr. Kaplansky’s cheerful delight at singing and arranging the tunes of others translates to her own recordings, too: her albums tend to come in at about one-third covers, and her taste is impeccable. Over the last thirteen years, she has come to be known as much for her sterling interpretations of the songs of others as she is for her own material.In fact, Lucy Kaplansky is such a prolific and powerful artist.
From CD called "The Songwriter's Exchange," recorded at the Cornelia Street Cafe in 1980 featuring Lucy as part of a duo called "Simon and Kaplanski" singing
"Say Goodbye Love," "Moon Song" and "Rooms."

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